Hey, at least it's an update.

Saturday, December 06, 2003

I'll never get over the inexplicable loss of momentum that I achieve like fucking CLOCKWORK throughout my comicing career.

I read through my old comics during these "slumps" and I laugh. I really do, and sometimes I even swell with pride. I think, honestly, that the best thing I've ever done with my life is make comics (Tho I know I've made some shitty ones) and it fucking tears me apart sometimes to think that the genius of just another Vice is so often overshadowed by the unpredictable flakiness of it's creator.

I really believe that jaV could be so much bigger than it is and I wish TO GOD that I had the discipline and ingenuity to make it all that it can be. Mostly tho, I just wish I could keep on truckin. For more than a few months at a time, I mean. Because the more I write, the more I draw, the better I become at both - and when I stop, for whatever reason, it's like all that progress is lost, and I just have to start back over at the beginning. It's killing me - I'M killing me.

So I've decided to create a robot, see, who looks, thinks, acts and smells JUST LIKE ME! Only with none of my flaws. Then, when I see he's perfect, I will program him to kill me and take my place.

Fuck this. I've got a headache. I'll start over tomorrow when I'm not so spacey and exhausted.

TUNE IN NEXT TIME FOR WHINY-PUSSY THEATRE! (but isn't whiny pussing just what blogs are for? Yes. Yes it is.)

Friday, December 05, 2003

Uhh, So here's a blog. I heard about this on TechTV while I was scratching myself in my undies. Some cereal fell in my belly-button and I still haven't fished it out...that was a month ago. Blogs seem pretty lame, but I'm lazy and I don't think it's actually any more possible for me to actually become more lame - so herezit. Mip.

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